Tuesday 29 November 2011


Dear Readers,

Let me introduce myself, I am Benson Chin and am working as a Resident Technical Officer in the Construction Industry. Another term use for our profession is a Clerk-of-Work.
Our job in a construction site is to ensure the main contractor does the work in accordance to approve drawings and building specifications. It is a statutory requirement by the Building Control Authority that a Resident Technical Officer is to be employed by either the Consulting Architect or Professional Structure Engineer or Professional Mechanical & Electrical Engineer to supervise critical site activities, ensure statutory requirement are complied with and to report to the Consultant’s and Authorities of any non compliance in the construction site.

Having been working in the Construction industry for 35 over years, I decide to create a blog and write about my construction experience, the challenges that we face the problems that we encounter and also to invite comments and suggestions from my readers on solutions to certain issues we face during our work.


1 comment:

  1. Question about concrete pouring?

    Dear sir, This is sanjay working as labour contractor in Mysore, Can you please answer this question,

    While filling the RCC column (with Box) with concrete, it should be filled to the full height of the column in one stretch? The common domestic construction practice is the column box is mounted ti half the height of the column filled with concrete on one day, and box is dismantled after setting and again mounted up to remaining top half and filled with concrete on another day.
    Is it a correct practice?
    My doubt is that will there be proper bonding between the already set concrete layer with the concrete poured over that then

    Waiting for your replay sir

    With regards

    Mail id - sanjaygowdamc@gmail.com
